Manual Build

How to contribute a new container.

Adding new recipes

Refer to neurodocker for more information on neurodocker recipes.

Build container

Environment Requirements

  • Linux environment where you have admin privileges (i.e., can run ‘sudo’)
  • Docker
  • Python >=3.8. If you have lower Python version, create a virtual environment conda create -n neurodocker python=3.8 -y and activate it conda activate neurodocker.
  • If you have several versions of Python3 installed in the environment, typing ‘python’ in the terminal should launch a version with equal or higher version number
  • Python pip3
    This should be launched by ‘python -m pip’
  • git

Fork the Neurocontainers repository

  • Fork neurocontainers and setup github actions.

Create a new app

  1. Copy the directory template and rename to NEWAPP in neurocontainers/recipes (NEWAPP being the name of the application to be displayed in Neurodesk’s menu; notice it shouldn’t have any special characters):

    cd neurocontainers/recipes
    cp -R template NEWAPP
  2. Create your Container Files:
    Modify in neurocontainers/recipes/NEWAPP to build your application and update (make sure the version is correct in the README!). Notice that the example build script in the template has instructions to build a container for datalad, that may or may not suite your exact needs

    cd NEWAPP
    (edit as required)
    (edit as required)

    Upload your application to object storage first if needed, so you can then download it in (ask for instructions about this if you don’t know the key, and never share it anywhere public!)

  3. Building containers

    Any NEWAPP under the recipes/ directory are built and pushed automatically via github actions

  4. Build and test the container locally

    1. run the build script with the debug flag:

      cd recipes/NEWAPP
      chmod +x
      ./ -ds

      NOTICE: the file will automatically be updated to reflect the version of the tool given in the script. For this to work, leave “toolVersion” in the README and do not remove this or alter.

    2. test running some commands within the container that should be available in your local docker container repository.

      For example, to open an interactive shell in a container (with the home folder /root bound to /root on host), you may run:

      sudo docker run -it -v /root:/root --entrypoint /bin/bash NEWAPP_VERSION:TAG

      with VERSION being the version of the app, and TAG the version tag of the container (run ‘sudo docker image list’ to find the tag)

    3. if your application requires a Matlab Runtime and you get an error about shared library “” not found, check which version of the runtime was installed by the build script

  5. Update changes in local git repository

    git add .github/workflows/NEWAPP.yml recipes/NEWAPP/ recipes/NEWAPP/ recipes/NEWAPP/
    git config "the email that you use for github"
    git config "your name"
    git commit

Push the new or updated app to Neurocontainers


Generate git personal access token (if you don’t have one already)

  1. Browse to
  2. Log into your account
  3. Press on your picture in upper right corner → Setting → Developer Settings → Personal Access Token
  4. Press on “generate personal access token”
  5. Write something in “Notes” (doesn’t matter what, it’s for your own use)
  6. Check “repo”
  7. Check “Workflow”
  8. Press “Generate Token” at the bottom
  9. Copy the token displayed to somewhere safe, as you will have to user it later

Verify that user has write permission to /neurocommand/local

  1. If not, run sudo chmod a+w /neurocommand/local

Step by step guide

  1. Test the container locally, and if successful push repo to trigger the automatic build on GitHub. When asked for your Github password, please provide the personal access token obtained in the previous stage.

    git pull
    git push
  2. Go to Check that the most recent workflow run in the list terminated successfully (green). Otherwise, click on it, click on “build docker”, and the line that caused the error will be highlighted

  3. Find your new package under
    Enter the name of the package in the search box, and verify that the full package name shows up in the format toolName_toolVersion

  4. Obtain buildDate by clicking on the full package name that came up in the search. The build date will be the newest date shown under Recent tagged image versions

  5. If updating an app, use toolName delete the locally installed container of the old app version or old app build:

    rm -R /neurocommand/local/containers/toolName_*/
    rm -R /neurocommand/local/containers/modules/toolName/
  6. Use toolName, toolVersion and buildDate from the previous two steps to manually download the package by typing the following in a terminal open in Neurodesktop

    bash /neurocommand/local/ toolName toolVersion buildDate
    (when you see the "Singularity>" prompt, type exit and ENTER)
    ml toolName/toolVersion

    For example: If the full package name that comes up in the step 11 is itksnap_3.8.0, and the newest date under Recent tagged image versions is 20210322

    The command to use in a terminal open in Neurodesktop is:

    bash /neurocommand/local/ itksnap 3.8.0 20210322
    (when you see the "Singularity>" prompt, type exit and ENTER)
     ml toolName/toolVersion
  7. Test the new container. Run some commands, to see all is good
    If the container doesn’t work yet, it’s sometimes useful to try and troubleshoot it and install missing libraries. This can be achieved by running it in a writable mode with fakeroot enabled:

    SINGULARITY_BINDPATH=''; singularity shell --writable --fakeroot /neurodesktop-storage/containers/toolName_toolVersion_buildDate/toolName_toolVersion_buildDate.simg
  8. Fork to your Github account

  9. Edit an entry for your package in your fork of neurocommand/blob/main/neurodesk/apps.json based on one of the other entries (generating one menu item for opening a terminal inside the containers, and one menu item for the GUI, if relevant). Notice that in the json file, the version field should contain the buildDate rather than the toolVersion !!! toolVersion should be included instead in the text of the menu entry itself, e.g., “fsl 6.0.3”. Also notice that whereas categories appear in the Neurodesktop menu in start case (first letter of each word capitalized), in the json files they are sentence case (all letters lower case).

  10. Include an icon file in your fork of neurocommand/neurodesk/icons

  11. Send a pull request from your fork of neurocommand to

  12. When the pull request is merged by Neurodesk admins, it will trigger an action to build the singularity container, distribute it in all object storage locations and on CVMFS, and it will update the menus in the desktop image on the next daily build.

  13. Wait at least 24 hours

  14. Download and run the daily build of Neurodesktop to check that your app can be launched from the start menu and works properly:

    sudo docker pull vnmd/neurodesktop:latest && sudo docker run --shm-size=1gb -it --privileged --user=root --name neurodesktop -v ~/neurodesktop-storage:/neurodesktop-storage -e HOST_UID="$(id -u)"  -e HOST_GID="$(id -g)" -p 8888:8888 -e NEURODESKTOP_VERSION=latest vnmd/neurodesktop:latest
  15. Open an issue in notifying that your app appears in the start menu and tested. The app will be included in the next release of Neurodesktop, and will be mentioned in the public announcement that accompanies the release. If the app is not in the start menu or not working as expected based on your earlier testing, open an issue as well, and report it.

  16. If somebody wants to use the application before the next release of Neurodesktop is out, you can instruct them to use the command in step 14 above instead of the default commands given in the user install instructions.

  17. Consider contributing a tutorial about the new tool in this instruction

Last modified July 23, 2024: changed to new cloudfront domain (8f3ddbb)